Our projects have been published in prestigious books and specialized magazines worldwide.

2014-06-09 - Temporary Architecturee, Braun Publishing AG, Switzerland (p.126-129)
A Giant-Ice Cube in Rome: Alpine Culture meets Italian futurism, a gala display of Valle d'Aosta. Designed by Luca Peralta Studio

2014-06-09 - Atlas of World Lanscape Architecture, Braun Publishing AG, Switzerland (p.164-165)
Knotting the Hillside Town and its Landscape, designed by Alessandra Centroni & Luca Peralta Studio

2014-02-28 - MIPIM Future Project Awards 2014, Architectural Review (p.98-100)
Trasnforming Social Housing into Sociable Homes, Torre Tintoretto, San Polo, Brescia, Italy. Designed by Luca Peralta Studio

2014-02-01 - Sloping Landscape, Ifengspace Huanan, Jiangsu Science and Technology Press, China (p.158-170)
Knotting the Hillside Town and its Landscape, Vicovaro (RM) Italy, designed by Alessandra Centroni & Luca Peralta Studio

2014-01-07 - AB Atlante Bresciano, n.117, Inverno 2014, Grafo Edizioni, Italy (p.59-63)
"Una torre da trasformare in cerca di una soluzione urbana migliore" article by Marco Frusca

2013-12-15 - TOPSCAPE N.14, Paysage Editore, Milano, Italy (p.76-79)
"Vicovaro: knotting the hill town and its landscape" by Alessandra Centroni & Luca Peralta

2013-11-08 - Bauwelt, n.41-42, 2013 Germany (p.46-53)
Europaische Stadtbibliotheken. "Cinisello Balsamo: Identitat stiften in der Mailander Peripherie". article by K.Klinbeil

2013-07-31 - "FOLIO magazine - officine del design", n.3, Ago/Sep/Oct 2013 (p.52-61)
"Luca Peralta: Architecture between love and hate, a combination for success"

2013-06-04 - Landezine - landscape architecture - Ljubljana, Slovenia
KNOTTING the hill town and its landscape,
A public park in Vicovaro, Rome, Italy.

2013-03-10 - Modern Decoration Magazine - Shenzhen, China (p.89-91).
"GREEN HEART - Aalto University Campus".
Radical proposal for the new Aalto University Campus in Otaniemi, Helsinki, Finland.

2013-03-01 - Biblioteche Oggi, vol.XXXI - n.2 - Milan, Italy (p.27-50)
"Il Pertini - Library and Cultural Centre", Do It (R.Gaggi, C.Gagliardi, L.Peralta, F.Polacchi, M.Tesse), Cinisello-Balsamo (Mi), Italy

2013-01-15 - Come Ristrutturare la Casa - Il Sole 24 ore - Milan, Italy (p.76-81)
"MINIMAL BAROCCO nel centro di Roma".
Interior design and restoration of an apartment in Piazza Sant'Ignazio, Rome, Italy.

2012-12-21 - Archdaily - www.archdaily.com/
Helsinki City Library competition entry / Luca Peralta Studio

2012-11-15 - Future Arquitectura 33-34 - Madrid, Spain (p.109-111).
Museo National del Judaismo y e Holocausto, Ferrara, Italy.

2011-05-31 - MEIS - Architetture per un museo - Ferrara, Italy (p.150-157)
Museo dell'Ebraismo italiano e della Shoah di Ferrara, Italy.

2011-02-28 - Scuola in piazza a levante: concorso di progettazione (p.48-53)
"Terra Madre" 1st prize by Luca Peralta Studio, design of a Kindergarden and a Piazza in Bisceglie, Italy.

2010-06-15 - Compasses 009 Making Cities - Dubai, United Arab Emirates (p.132-135)
White nuances: on their vibration in public spaces. Art Installations by Luca Peralta Studio in collaboration with D.Aitken and J.Inaba.

2008-12-31 - "EUROPAN 8 - urbanità europea e progetti strategici" (p.56-57)
"Strategic Stripes" Urban Renewal of the quarter of Santa Teresa, Pirri (Ca), Italy

2008-08-31 - Progettare, architettura-città-territorio" n.40, Sep 2008 (p.24-30)
"L'estetica della serie" Centro Culturale Sandro Pertini, Cinisello-Balsamo, Do-It (G.Gaggi, C.Gagliardi, L.Peralta, F.Polacchi, M.Tesse)

2006-03-01 - "Ritrovarsi nel Largo", Edizioni La Torre - Cagliari, Italy (p.191-194)
"PERDA e AQUA", proposal for the urban design and urban renewal of Largo Carlo Felice in Cagliari.

2005-12-31 - Corporate Fields. New Office Environments by the AA DRL (p.160-167)
15. Knot. Plates. multiplying interior circulation Arteries. By Luca Peralta & Soon J.Hong

2004-11-30 - L'Architettura della Biblioteca - Edizioni S.Bonnard - Cremona, Italy (p.107-108)
"Biblioteca Civica e Centro Culturale, Cinisello-Balsamo, Milan, Italy" Do-It (R.Gaggi, C.Gagliardi, L.Peralta, F.Polacchi, M.Tesse)

2002-06-30 - L'industria delle Costruzioni n.366, Biblioteche e Mediateche (p.104-108)
"Nuova Biblioteca e Mediateca a Cinisello-Balsamo, Milano" Do-It (R.Gaggi, R.Gagliardi, L.Peralta, F.Polacchi, M.Tesse)

2001-09-30 - "MULTISALA international" n.5, oct 2001 (p.74-83)
Nuova Sede della Biblioteca Civica di Cinisello Balsamo", Do-It (R.Gaggi, C.Gagliardi, L.Peralta, F.Polacchi, M.Tesse)